AspireUp is a strategic marketing and brand and innovation consulting firm that helps companies identify new avenues for growth. Our projects focus on developing brand and marketing strategies, creating new products and services, and executing market research to understand markets and customer needs. We have 25 consultants with senior-level experience in marketing and general management, market research, analytics, and brand creative execution. We work across all industries in B2B, B2C and non-profit. Representative clients:- Consumer Products: Clorox, Del Monte, Pepsico, Rust-Oleum, Reynolds/Hefty, Johnson Outdoors, Donald J Pliner, Insight Beverages
- Technology: Microsoft, Honeywell, Orbitz, Global Healthcare Exchange, American Traffic Solutions
- Healthcare/Pharma: Novartis, Takeda, MerckSerono, BlueCross BlueShield, Humana, GHX
- Financial Services: Wells Fargo, CNO Financial, Performance Trust, BlueCross BlueShield
- Manufacturing: ITW, Materion, Gibralter, Wausau Homes, WernerCo
- Consumer Services: DeVry, Quill.com, Entertainment Cruises
- Business Services: Nielsen, RSM (McGladrey), NuVista Strategies, Copart
- Associations & Nonprofits: AAA, American Dental Assoc., Wheaton College, Willow Creek Community Church, Trout Unlimited, Billy Graham Center Museum
Relevant People
Roland Jacobs
President & CEO