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PJ McGuire


PJ McGuire “the Inventor” was not on her list of career goals but it’s the unexpected path her life has taken. One morning while rushing to get ready, PJ ruined a silk blouse. Seriously, a glob of hair product landed on her shoulder and the idea for Wrapperoo® popped into her head. She couldn’t get the idea off her mind and a week later the first prototype was created out of an old towel and a broken umbrella. Fast forward 3 years, and Wrapperoo® has exploded with thousands of units sold, two appearances on HSN (Home Shopping Network), retail distribuOon and media exposure on Good Morning America, WGN News, Good Housekeeping magazine, WCIU and the Ryan Seacrest Show. Her background as Founder and President of Modet Inc., a business eOqueVe, protocol & soX skills training firm and over 15 years experience in sales and counseling  has served her well in this venture. PJ believes that Wrapperoo® is an integral part of her life’s work which involves helping and inspiring others...and she hasn’t ‘worked’ a day since she invented it!
Videos (1)
PJ McGuire: Time Spent Up Front Is Time Saved In The End
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