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Dan Zawacki


In 1987 Dan Zawacki founded a company called Lobster Gram out of his garage in Chicago when he was just 24. He was the first person to ship live lobsters as gifts and actually built the market for shipping seafood to homes. Dan and Lobster Gram were featured in Forbes, Fortune, Oprah, WSJ, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Rachael Ray, Time, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN and many others.  After 30 years of running Lobster Gram, Dan sold Lobster Gram so he could focus on teaching Traction and the Entrepreneur Operating System.  He wanted to help entrepreneurial companies get what they want from their businesses. He is now a full time Certified Traction Implementer, one of 90 in the world. Dan has been a speaker for Northwestern University’s College of Entrepreneurship Master’s program, the Chicago Association of Growth, the CEO Solo Summit, Wintrust Bank and many others. Dan says, “I feel very lucky to find my second passion in life and that’s helping businesses grow and have fun doing it, by using EOS.”   And yes, he still loves eating lobster.
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