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General Info
Greg Topel
Chicago, IL


Tanvas is redefining touch by enabling you to feel what you see on any touchscreen. Despite advances in graphics, sound and vibration, today’s touchscreen is a still just a static window to the digital world. Tanvas uses surface haptics to add a new dimension of interaction that goes beyond the buzz of vibration and brings unlimited textures and feelings to flat, physical surfaces. TanvasTouch can be built into any touch-enabled product across a wide range of applications including automotive, retail, consumer electronics, visually impaired and custom displays. Founded in 2011 by haptics pioneers, Ed Colgate and Michael Peshkin, Tanvas is headquartered in Chicago and received a Chicago Innovation Award in 2015. Visit www.tanvas.co to learn more about the future of touch. Follow us on Twitter (@TanvasLabs) to get the last updates.
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