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Sana’s Kitchen

General Info
Lisa Canning
Glen Ellyn, IL


Founded in 2016, Sana’s Kitchen supports entrepreneurs and business owners who need to build momentum online. They might need to do it for a special event, or a location opening. They might need to launch a new business or find investment. Designed as an affordable modern lead generation company, our work is research centered. We employ a small army of women who find targeted leads for clients through the research they do and then share content we help the client develop to reach their targets. We combine it with PR and email marketing to increase its impact and reach. Due to the nature of startup’s, or those in hyper growth mode, the ability to help them ramp up their connectivity and engagement at a low-cost, benefits not only the entrepreneur, but offers opportunities to unskilled labor; whom in emerging economies can build a skill, work from home online, and establish a full or part time income and work history. With the cost of marketing services escalating, growing businesses struggle to afford and sustain services like ours that fuel their growth and impact. Sana’s Kitchen has 2 founders: Lisa Canning from the Chicago, IL USA and Sana Tariq Khan from Lahore, Pakistan. Lisa is a serial main street entrepreneur who has successfully built main street businesses for over 30 years as well as been an advisor to many startups. Sana, was trained as an attorney, and quit a full-time job in a male dominated industry to join Sana’s Kitchen and built its training program. The concept of Sana’s Kitchen was born from a need Lisa had as an entrepreneur; to grow her own businesses faster, but the time commitment it took to do so Lisa realized was significant. And the cost to hire others to do it was prohibitive because of the amount of the investment of time it took to build a significant following. After realizing that over 100,000 of her fans and followers online were from emerging economies like Pakistan, she recognized there was an opportunity to train others to help entrepreneurs grow their networks and connectivity at an affordable price.
Videos (1)
CEO Lisa Canning On Accelerating Your Business While Raising Funds
Company Spotlight in Tech