General Info
Steve Green
Chicago, IL
#Foodiechats is an online and live worldwide Social Foodie Community. We Eat,Tweet, Instagram, and Meet with new foodies everyday of the week. We're #Foodiechats, Where the Foodie Community Chats Together. The #Foodiechats Community consists of Social Foodies, Social Media Influencers, Chefs, Home Cooks, Bloggers, Brands, and Restaurants! #Foodiechats connects, foodies with foodies, brands with foodies, restaurants with foodies, and products with foodies, through our #Foodiechats Community. #Foodiechats offers many marketing campaigns for your Brand, Product or Restaurant. #Foodiechats has worked with over 250 sponsors to host our Monday Night #Foodiechats, Special Edition #Foodiechats, Live #Foodiechats Events, and Customized #Foodiechats Plans.Relevant People

Steve Green
Founder and CEO