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Marcus Harris


A good lawyer takes on your problems as their own. As one of the country’s premiere enterprise software licensing and enterprise software litigation attorneys, I believe it’s vital to approach complex technology related disputes with practicality and common sense. As a former in-house attorney at some of the largest software companies in the world, I understand software vendor tactics and am able to leverage my ERP industry knowledge to advocate on behalf of my clients. I’ve developed one of the nation’s leading practices devoted to representing clients in recovering damages arising out of failed Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software implementations. In addition to litigating failed ERP implementations in courts and before arbitration panels across the country, I have extensive experience drafting and negotiating ERP related contracts for and with companies such as SAP, Oracle, Infor, Epicor, BAAN, Vodafone, Accenture, Capgemini, TATA, ACS, Ford and Caterpillar. Now, as a Chicago-based global technology attorney, I quarterback a high-profile legal team for Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, one of the country’s oldest national law firms.
Videos (1)
Partner Marcus Harris on Leading By Example and Leading From Behind
Company Spotlight in Tech