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Jen Moore


Moore came up with the idea for Meez Meals in 2009, while she was still working as a brand manger for Unilever. She noticed that her sister, a working mom, found the process of making dinner stressful, even though she used to love cooking. “She said that she just wanted someone to cut everything up for her,” Moore recalls. “And I said, ‘Well, gee, that’s an idea. I can do that.’” The timing turned out to be perfect: When Meez Meals launched, it was the only company offering a DIY meal kit. Moore knew, however, that “it was only a matter of time until national companies entered the market.”

To prepare for the competition, she focused on creating a company that would appeal to a niche market — one that customized meals for individual preferences, offered creative, nontraditional recipes, reused its delivery containers and maintained a green footprint. “My marketing classes with Professor [Tim] Calkins stressed the importance of knowing your strengths and not attempting to chase every opportunity, which was top of mind as I was developing my strategy for Meez,” Moore recalls.

Moore’s instincts were right, as Meez has experienced double-digit growth in each of the past four years, and now boasts nearly 3,500 members. To date, the company has delivered more than 200,000 meals.

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