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Daniel Yu


Reliefwatch is a platform for organizations in the developing world to track essential supplies and other last mile data through basic mobile phones. Health clinics in developing countries typically do not have computer or Internet access to track inventory and report disease information to health ministries. Supply problems chronically plague health clinics, and expired and unavailable medications cost lives. Reliefwatch provides a system for health clinics to update inventory, as well as report cases of disease via automated voice calls on basic mobile phones. The voice calls immediately digitize information in a cloud system and alert suppliers about impending stockouts to trigger resupply shipments. Reliefwatch has already been launched in three countries with over 14 million units of medical supplies digitized to date and is the process of expanding to four new countries across Africa and the Americas.
Videos (1)
Cell Phones Keep Shelves Stocked In Health Clinics In Developing Countries
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