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Cory Warfield


Cory Warfield spent twenty years of his life working in and running restaurants and bars until one day he had it! His frustration? Scheduling! Every day was a struggle around labor %, bonuses, over- and under-staffing, and especially: on-call shifts!? This common practice is so awful that it’s quickly becoming illegal in a number of states that keeps growing. “There has to be a better way”, he proclaimed; and promptly took action. His belief was that an easy to use, affordable scheduling platform, powered by data, could make the lives of shift workers, managers and owners all substantially better. And? He was right!! Shedwool.com is now a top-rated scheduling ecosystem with available AI/ML. As a bootstrapped founder, Cory has learned a lot along the way and now shares everything he’s learned as a mentor (Founder Institute), a social media influencer (LinkedIn), and an active member of the Chicago tech community.
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Have A Robust Understanding Of What People Do And Do Not Need
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