General Info
Kenneth Coats
Chicago, IL
KENTECH is an MBE award winning background technology screening company.COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS
Headquartered in Chicago, IL, KENTECH provides extensive background and web-based verification solutions throughout the United States of America. Our online suite of Background checking tools is powered by the latest technology offered to Banking, Employers, Housing Authorities, Non-Profits, Job Seekers, Students and School faculty.
We are the creators of innovative projects such as arrestfree.com - 1st identity theft detection system of its kind, C.L.E.A.R (Criminal Link Exchange and Reporting) and collegescreen.com a flexible pay college screening product for colleges and universities. We hold a provisional patent on our technology services and contributing author to "Background and Screening Investigations" book published by Elesvier in 2008.
We are a member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) and certified MBE company. Our Company uses Clean Energy Technology.
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Kenneth Coats