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10th Magnitude

General Info
Alex Brown
Chicago, IL


We opened our doors in 2010, when “cloud” was a new whisper on the tech breeze, and since our start all we have ever done is enable cloud. But for us it was never a whisper, always a roar—we’ve never known anything else. Our DNA is imprinted with the cloud ethos. Literally, we’ve never owned a server. But that physical freedom means our organization has developed organically in a way that is much more aligned with how services and products are delivered in today’s cloud-oriented world. The traditional disconnected silos of developers, networking engineers and system administrators don’t exist for us because they make no sense in the cloud world. They impede our clients’ business agility. For our clients, our cloud DNA lets us build a team around skill set regardless of function, and transitions to the cloud world are more seamless as a result. For our employees, premise-based IT constraints have never limited their thinking. 10th Magnitude is one of the first Microsoft Gold Cloud Platform Partners and a Chef Certified Partner. We continue to incorporate the newest technologies, techniques and methodologies into the solutions we create for clients.
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