For as long as he can remember, Scott Weiner has wanted to be involved in the restaurant industry. Now he runs Fifty/50 Restaurant Group, with 17 restaurants grossing $35 million in revenue last year.
Weiner and his co-founder, Greg Mohr, launched the company at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, and he admits he didn't think they would survive. But in an industry where around 90 percent of restaurants fail within the first three years, Weiner is proud that he has never had to close a location.
Known for popular neighborhood spots like Roots Pizza and West Town Bakery, Weiner credits "trying to make one thing better a day" as the central reason why his restaurants succeed. He also takes pride in occupying an accessible niche. "We are selling food at a price everybody can afford," Weiner says. "It's approachable no matter if you want a nice night out or a place out of convenience to feed your family."
Outside of the restaurant he enjoys playing the guitar and reading. One of his favorite joys is teaching his son, Greyson, how to cook.