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Gary Slack


I am the founder of Slack and Company, one of the world's first integrated marketing communications (IMC) agencies and one of the very few worldwide that works exclusively with business marketers. This February, Advertising Age named us along with Doremus NY and gyro NY as the runners up to its choice of Ogilvy & Mather NA as its 2014 B2B Agency of the Year. Unlike most b2b marketing agencies, which choose to specialize in either branding or demand generation, we have invested since our founding 25 years ago in people expert in both disciplines, enabling us to bring the best of both b2b branding and b2b demand generation to our clients. After serving from 2009-11 as the elected national chairman of the Business Marketing Association, the business marketing profession's professional society, I now serve as BMA's vice president of professional development with principal responsibility for organizing BMA's annual global conference. Specialties: Integrated b2b marketing, including go-to-market model innovation; business and marketing strategy consulting; brand development, launch and activation; marketing communications; digital and closed-loop demand generation; and digital customer experience and engagement.
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