Oleg Lee is the President of LifeLike Pillows, a custom pillow manufacturer that specializes in creating pillows out of images that the customer provides. Lee talks about some of the challenges that he has faced in growing his business, including fast growth, people, and lack of capital. These three challenges together make things difficult for a growing business – fast growth leads to more orders, which requires more people and capital to fulfill. The most important thing to offset these obstacles, Lee says, is hiring the right people. And the right person for the job must fit within the company’s culture, and also have the talent it takes to create the best product for the job. In addition, Lee discusses the importance of a social media presence to put a growing business on the map. Social media, he says, is a full time job within itself, and it takes a lot of work to make sure the company has a good, strong online presence. To learn more about LifeLike Pillows and Oleg Lee, watch the full BizCast HQ video now!