Lakeview Pantry is a community food access point for over 8,000 families on Chicago’s North Side. Kellie O’Connell, the CEO of the Pantry, knows that it’s important to choose courage over comfort when you’re doing as important work as her company. She also knows that innovation to expand the number of people receiving the services Lakeview Pantry provides is paramount. Instead of relying on the brick-and-mortar shop that was set up over 50 years ago, she and her team research ways to engage with the community online, letting people have options and different ways to access food services. One of the challenges that comes along with any non-profit work is finding and securing funding for the cause, and using that money to stay true to the mission. O’Connell also discusses corporate social responsibility, giving ideas to other companies on how they can be socially responsible by volunteering and donating. Learn more about Lakeview Pantry and Kellie O’Connell by checking out the full BizCastHQ video.