Listen to David Kalt, CEO of Reverb, discuss the greatest challenges and lessons of his career with BizCastHQ. Reverb is currently the world’s largest online marketplace for musicians, giving them the ability to buy and sell instruments from all around the world. For David, there has been several obstacles along the way.
A multi-million dollar business investment a few years back eventually had David considering what the best choice would be for the future of his company. Having launched a new program to connect music instructors with students, Reverb was experiencing troubles in cross-selling its consumers. David was able to stay true to the core mission of Reverb and ultimately make a decision that was the most strategic to the growth of the company.
As a leader of a company, your mission needs to be repeated and personally shown to your employees time and time again. Rather than sending an email with updates to the agenda, leaders should find ways to personally deliver the message to each team member. When your employees fully buy into the core vision of the business, that is when you can operate at a level of maximum efficiency.