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Lead With Humanity And Authenticity

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Lindsay Verstegen is the Chief People Officer of ShopRunner, a Chicago based company that provides retailers with the tools to compete in the modern day e-commerce landscape. It offers a way for people to buy things from their favorite retailers with the ease and convenience of a larger corporation, such as Amazon. Verstegen discusses some of the ways that she continues to grow as a woman in a fast-paced business landscape. She says that to grow in her career, a woman has to either change her job or change herself, be different and find herself. She also must be secure in what ‘good enough’ looks like. In the age of hyper-productivity, it’s easy to get burned out, so allowing yourself to let things come together in a conscious, thoughtful, and careful way is one of the most important things a person can do for themselves. To find out more about Lindsay and ShopRunner, watch the full BizCastHQ video.