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The Importance of Empathy

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By focusing on young professionals, Parker Dewey is utilizing unique strategies to improve talent acquisition and help companies and individuals grow together. Founder and CEO Jeffrey Moss has always placed a great emphasis on the value of human capital, and sat down with us recently to explain how his firm’s services stand out from other staffing and recruiting agencies by locating ideal work opportunities for talented and driven people. By engaging primarily with college students and recent graduates, Jeffrey provides rare chances for people to take their skills from a theoretical space to a real-world setting. In doing so, these professionals can solidify their existing knowledge and expand their expertise, further completing the transition from inexperienced student to seasoned professional. Through various short-term professional assignments, also known as micro-internships, employees contracted through Parker Dewey develop a greater understanding of what they are pursuing within the business world. While some may be looking for positive attributes like competitive pay and benefits, others desire to have intrinsic motivators like task-diversity and collaborative workplace environments. By allocating micro-internships, Parker Dewey allows people to experiment with different domains and establish a more clear understanding of what they require to achieve long-term satisfaction and fulfillment in their careers. Learn more about Jeffrey and Parker Dewey in the full video interview below.