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How CEO Jeffrey Eschbach Provides Lawyers A New Way to Collect Web Content

Page Vault is a company that provides lawyers a way to collect content from the web in a way that both looks accurate, and holds up in court. Jeffrey Eschbach, the founder and CEO of Page Vault explains the importance of having the courage to say no to some things, in order to ensure your […]

Jake Pepper Helps Make Employee Satisfaction A Culture at Pepper Construction

Pepper Construction is a commercial contracting company, building all things except single-family homes and roads. Vice President of Integrated Construction Services, Jake Pepper talks about finding the balance between work and life and how the culture at Pepper Construction increases their employees satisfaction. Staying on the leading edge and positioning themselves in the marketplace with […]

Mark Davis: PuroClean’s Mantra About Relentless Customer Service

PuroClean is a international property restoration franchise network in both the United States and Canada. Mark Davis, Chairman and CEO of PuroClean, explains one of the company’s mantras about relentless customer service and the mentality to pursue 100% satisfaction. Leaving the customer satisfied, ready to come back, and ready to refer PuroClean with passion are […]

General Manager Simona Blaugh Stays Collaborative and Transparent

The Metropolitan is an iconic business cub located in the historic Willis Tower that serves as a beautiful hub for Chicago’s professionals to work and play. General Manager Simona Blaugh recounts the challenge of preserving the legacy of the club while ensuring that they stick to their purpose. Find out in this next video what […]

CEO Tim Walbert Emphasizes Having A Diverse Mindset and View

Horizon Pharma is an industry leader in the biotechnology sector, focusing on research and development for rare and rheumatic diseases. Chairman, President, and CEO Tim Walbert reveals the idea behind how Horizon Pharma stays competitive and ensures success in the field. Find out what his personal connection to Horizon Pharma’s mission is in this next […]

COO Tim Helenthal On Small-company Values With Big-company Resources

National Van Lines is dedicated to being the best in the moving business. President and COO Tim Helenthal reveals their greatest challenge to be the shortage of skilled drivers available in the industry today. He touches on the stories that we tell ourselves and how they may not necessarily reflect reality. Find out in this […]

CEO Bruce Leon Stays Client-focused and Combines Hi-tech with Hi-touch

Tandem HR is a human resources outsourcing company that works with small to midsize businesses to provide administration and management solutions for nearly 400 companies. Founder and CEO Bruce Leon explains the vast increase over the years in the number of regulations that businesses must comply with, including things like Obamacare and immigration policies. Find […]

CEO Kevin Krumm Connects With Clients and Is Always Thinking Forward

Objective Paradigm is a leading Chicago recruiting firm that combines technology and business development to connect companies with the right professionals. CEO Kevin Krumm cites the key that ensures the company’s success is fostering social and emotional connections to their clients. Find out what piece of advice that two managers told CEO Kevin Krumm early […]

Executive Vice President Kirk Warden Defines The People and The Purpose

Clayco is dedicated to serving its clients with the best development, construction, and design solutions available. Executive Vice President and Shareholder Kirk Warden speaks on the biggest challenge the company faces as overcoming the negative connotations that clients have about the design/build industry. Find out in this next video what he believes makes working for […]

President & CEO Vaughn Moore Is Solutions-oriented and Keeps The Cement Wet

AIT Worldwide Logistics is a transportation company that delivers solutions to supply chain companies around the world. President and CEO Vaughn Moore believes in ‘keeping the cement wet’ to ensure that the individuals at the company feel like they have a voice and it is not just a top-down environment. Find out what compelling view […]