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Revamping Your Brand: CEO Dan Micic Talks Brand Image

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Dan Micic is the founder and CEO of Medical Shipment, LLC, providing medical supplies and equipment to nursing schools across the entire country. Dan has worked tirelessly over the past years to build his company. Through listening to his mentors and continually testing the market with new products and prices, Dan has been able to build a strong team and pursue the company’s mission without leaving any money on the table.

From the eyes of a leader, human capital is the most essential part of any business. At Medical Shipment, LLC, Dan Micic pushes his employees to be the best they can be every single day. Currently, Medical Shipment is working to update and improve their job descriptions and accountability measures. By measuring results and challenging employees, Dan’s team is always motivated and providing great results.

Brand image and positioning is one of the main factors in Dan’s success. Medical Shipment, LLC is revamping their entire 2018/19 catalog, starting with ideas from their competitors and improving from there. “You don’t need to reinvent the wheel,” says Dan. “Pick from the best available and continually stay ahead of the curve.”